Seismic simulation of seismically improved RE (rammed earth) buildings


  • Mohammad Hossein Hashemian Master of Architecture and Energy, Tehran University Author


Rammed earth, structure, building, seismic improvement, Analysis, optimization


In this research, the seismic response of "Rammed Earth Structures" under an optimization, under the effect of acceleration maps of the Bam earthquake (which was the most destructive earthquake in Iran), was calculated using Abaqus 2021 simulation software. Since the structures in this earthquake were completely traditional this optimization has made for the seismic improvement of these types of structures. In such a way, cement and rebar materials were not used to improve tensile and compressive strength. However, a raft foundation was used in the dimensions of the building with a rigid and integrated connection, in addition to the material, which is based on gypsum and clay. The roofs in this design are presumed composite roofs with wooden beams, and their connection was also considered rigid. In this plan developed to study the effects of the dimensions of the foundation on the health of structures during the earthquake, three different depths were considered for the foundation. This caused the center of gravity of the structure to move towards the center of the foundation by increasing the dimensions and, as a result, the weight of the foundation, which reduced the stress during the earthquake load. Also, referring to Iran's 2800 regulations, the various seismic response components of these kinds of optimized structures were confirmed. Also, this seismic improvement has other advantages that make it unique such as the lowest price in construction, and industrial construction capability.

Author Biography

  • Mohammad Hossein Hashemian, Master of Architecture and Energy, Tehran University



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How to Cite

Seismic simulation of seismically improved RE (rammed earth) buildings. (2024). Development Engineering Conferences Center Articles Database, 1(2).

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